Monday, September 6, 2010

The Cristal Marie Gillespie OBITUARY

40,562 seconds ago, a loved one tragically departed from us. 20 Year old Cristal Jose-Marie-Jose Gillespie choked on too many midnight milky ways while sumersaulting off her bed at the stroke of midnight.
Cristal was loved my everyone... especially those of the male gender. Being born and raised in Mesa Arizona, Cristal was a lover of the sun. She was the fifth of nine children in her crazy household. For much of her childhood years she was homeschooled which you would never know because of how normal she really turned out to be, or so we like to say. She studied at Eastern Arizona College where she majored in Hobology, the study of hobos in an international environment with a minor in tu tu design. From fitting a whole mattress in the back of her car, going through the most car washes in the back of a truck, to winning the biggest fro award. Her accomplishments in life are more than most can compare.
Cristal was always known throughout her life and wherever she went as the most talented girl to walk this earth. This girl loved to dance and you better believe she was good at it! From contemporary to swing dance she showhow still had a strong passion for her favorites, which were river dance and interpretive. She was an all around star, good at everything she did. Cristal is always up for an adventure and is full of the most random crazy ideas that just increase your love for her each day. Her favorite food is hamburgers, and she will not drink from a cup that is more than half full.
Some things that we will miss most about Cristal are her positive attitude and her ability to always make you laugh. She is one of the most generous firls we know, always wanting and willing to help and serve others. She is a girl who genuinely cares for everyone! We will also miss the time when hae had a pet fish and decided to feed it popcorn because apparently fish like popcorn. THe fish later died and so she got a new one. To make up for killing the last fish, she decided that she would do everything right for this fish... So she fed him glue. And the story is left untold because that's the day that he fish ran away. Cristal's spontaneous spirit will be remembered forever, always holding a place in our hears. Cristal Marie Gillespie had a great and memorable life. May she rest in peace.
-Savanna Stradling

Every sunday we have ward pray as a congregation and basically have some social time with the other young adults in our church. WEll every sunday they have a spot lighted apartment, where the apt chooses how they are going to introduce the people that live there. We were the first apt for this semester and we wanted to set he bar high. Savanna, Andrea and I each wrote one of the other persons orbiturary. It turned out really well, and by that I mean people laughed. I love my roommates and I think that they are so great. I have a feeling that this is going to be a great semester!