Wednesday, February 16, 2011

2 My First Love

He was the first guy that wanted to start out as friends... That really meant a lot to me.

We met the summer before my Senior year of High School. We worked together at the mall. We hung out once outside of work that summer and I had a lot of fun with him. We were good friends since he was going on his mission in a couple of months.

Fast forward 2 months. We have not talked at all during that time and we randomly start to text a month before he leaves. We text a lot, and talk for hours on the phone at night. He sent me a text "I fell for you with the shoe story" (i inherited a small portion of my dads story telling abilities and one night when he and i were closing i was telling him a made up story about some shoes). That was the first time I knew that he had any kind of feelings for me. And it just blossomed for both of us from there.

We went on our first date in October 2007. He took me to Jesters and then we went to a park afterwards to just hang out. We held hands for the first time, and also shared our first kiss. He was so nervous, but it was magical. That was the first time that a kiss had made my heart stop.

While I was in New York on a school trip, we were talking one night until 4 am. It was a wonderful conversation, so much laughing was involved (i fell off the bed laughing in my hotel room) We started talking about love, which eventually led to him boldly asking, "Are you falling in love with me?" I was silent for a long time because I knew at that moment that I was. My mouth finally figured out how to form the words, "Yes, I'm falling in love with you." Thinking back I can still hear him say, "Cristal, I am falling in love with you too."

We spent the last couple weeks he was home with each other. And when he finally left to serve the Lord for 2 years I was sad but I was so proud of him. Even though him and I only had a short relationship, he had changed me a lot for the better. He had seen the good inside of me and had brought that out. He was an amazing young man and sometimes I miss him, but we went our separate ways and it was for the best.

"If I was blind I could live off your laughter; it would be all the color that I would need" -NH

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

1 Introduce Yourself With Pictures And Words.

I feel a little strange introducing myself to you guys, especially since mostly only my family looks at my blog... You know me. I shouldn't have to tell you what I am like...

But here goes. I am Cristal Marie Gillespie. My dad made a deal with my mom before I was born, that if my mom quit her job they could have another baby. And along came ME! :) YAY!

This is my favorite picture of me as a baby. I sure do miss my curls! Man was I a cutie!

Somethings you should know about me.
I am kinda lazy, I like to sit around and relax.
I LOVE sleeping. I think something is wrong with me because of the amount of sleep that I require
I love movies and reading but it's hard for me to find time for the latter
I love to dance. If I could do ANYTHING all day, it would be dancing
I am talkative and independent.
I have commitment issues. By the time I want to commit to someone they aren't interested anymore because of the amount of guys I am also dating.
I am a nanny to 4 energetic children, for a family that has welcomed me into their own.
Sometimes when I get upset I don't know how to handle it, so I say and do hurtful things. I'm working on a better way to express myself (Sorry to those that I've hurt)
My favorite candy is Midnight Milky Way.
I like short dates, and bonus points if the guy does not try to kiss me on the first date.
I am easy going but I like to have a plan.
I love lists (it makes me feel good to cross things off)
I hate writing papers.

I am the 5th of 9 kids. I love my family! They are the best! Sometimes I feel like an "old maid" though because I am not married yet, adding to the family. Or dating anyone... I should work on that. More about them another day though.

I live in Provo, Utah right now. As much as I miss my family and spending time with Rachael and the rest of the family at her sewing place, I know that this is where I am supposed to be right now. I wish I knew what it was though. Maybe it was so befriend my roommates. They have been such a wonderful example to me. Both of them have shown me how to be a better, kinder, more charitable, woman. They are such a strength to me.
At one point I did have a plan for this year but that was destroyed so right now I am trying to figure out what to do with my life. I did just get a gym membership so that's exciting. I feel like a grown up.
I like to do silly things like undie-runs across a field, going through a carwash in the back of a truck, running around in tutu's, writing "inappropriate" saying on overpasses, ect. It keeps life interesting.
I work ALOT and I go on ALOT of dates.

I have a testimony of the gospel and I try to live my life according to the teaching of the church. I've made mistakes, but I learned a lot from them and I think that they have made me stronger.

So that's me.

Friday, February 11, 2011

30 days of blogs

It sure does take me a long time to post anything. I ran across a blog last week that was doing 30 days of blogging. I thought that it would be a great adventure to start on. I could learn a little bit more about the people in my life, and probably a lot about me and what I think. I am excited to start this (on Monday, I won't be blogging on weekends) It will give me something to do since I am not in school and I have no direction in my life. So here we go, it's good to have a new adventure to depart on.

Day 1: Introduce yourself with pictures and words.
Day 2: Your first love
Day 3: Your parents
Day 4: What you ate today
Day 5: your definition of love
Day 6: Your day
Day 7: Your best friend
Day 8: A moment
Day 9: Your beliefs
Day 10: What your wore today
Day 11: Your Siblings
Day 12: What's in your bag
Day 13: This week
Day 14: What you wore today
Day 15: Your dreams
Day 16: Your first kiss
Day 17: Your favorite memory
Day 18: Your favorite birthday
Day 19: Something you regret
Day 20: This month
Day 21: Another moment
Day 22: Something that upsets you
Day 23: Something that makes you feel better
Day 24: Something that makes me cry
Day 25: A first
Day 26: your fears
Day 27: Your favorite place
Day 28: something you miss
Day 29: Your aspirations
Day 30: One last moment