Tuesday, February 15, 2011

1 Introduce Yourself With Pictures And Words.

I feel a little strange introducing myself to you guys, especially since mostly only my family looks at my blog... You know me. I shouldn't have to tell you what I am like...

But here goes. I am Cristal Marie Gillespie. My dad made a deal with my mom before I was born, that if my mom quit her job they could have another baby. And along came ME! :) YAY!

This is my favorite picture of me as a baby. I sure do miss my curls! Man was I a cutie!

Somethings you should know about me.
I am kinda lazy, I like to sit around and relax.
I LOVE sleeping. I think something is wrong with me because of the amount of sleep that I require
I love movies and reading but it's hard for me to find time for the latter
I love to dance. If I could do ANYTHING all day, it would be dancing
I am talkative and independent.
I have commitment issues. By the time I want to commit to someone they aren't interested anymore because of the amount of guys I am also dating.
I am a nanny to 4 energetic children, for a family that has welcomed me into their own.
Sometimes when I get upset I don't know how to handle it, so I say and do hurtful things. I'm working on a better way to express myself (Sorry to those that I've hurt)
My favorite candy is Midnight Milky Way.
I like short dates, and bonus points if the guy does not try to kiss me on the first date.
I am easy going but I like to have a plan.
I love lists (it makes me feel good to cross things off)
I hate writing papers.

I am the 5th of 9 kids. I love my family! They are the best! Sometimes I feel like an "old maid" though because I am not married yet, adding to the family. Or dating anyone... I should work on that. More about them another day though.

I live in Provo, Utah right now. As much as I miss my family and spending time with Rachael and the rest of the family at her sewing place, I know that this is where I am supposed to be right now. I wish I knew what it was though. Maybe it was so befriend my roommates. They have been such a wonderful example to me. Both of them have shown me how to be a better, kinder, more charitable, woman. They are such a strength to me.
At one point I did have a plan for this year but that was destroyed so right now I am trying to figure out what to do with my life. I did just get a gym membership so that's exciting. I feel like a grown up.
I like to do silly things like undie-runs across a field, going through a carwash in the back of a truck, running around in tutu's, writing "inappropriate" saying on overpasses, ect. It keeps life interesting.
I work ALOT and I go on ALOT of dates.

I have a testimony of the gospel and I try to live my life according to the teaching of the church. I've made mistakes, but I learned a lot from them and I think that they have made me stronger.

So that's me.


Rachael Papes said...

I love YOU! (and I got my name in your blog...) I have been waiting to see your post. I miss you. I wish I could come to Utah to see you.


Cristal said...

Do it already! I miss you MUCHO! please?please? please? that would make me so happy!!