Sunday, January 9, 2011

Kids say the darndest things.

Saturday, FatCats hosted the Special Olympics and I was able to work the party. It was really fun, the people there were really nice and so excited to be bowling. They were also surprisingly really good at bowling. The Special Olympics came in 2 groups, the morning one's were not allowed to have assistance and the afternoon group were the assisted ones. After the morning group finished one of the competitors started talking to me. This was our conversation.

Him: "So what's your name?"
Me "Cristal, so you won a metal, that's super exciting. What was your score?"
Him. "It was 624... but that was 3 games combined"
Me "oh so your average was like 200?"
Him "Well, no. It was 60."
Me "oh yeah you have a handicap"

Now I did not mean it like that at all... Its the same as in golf, you have a handicap to get a better score or whatever it is for. It's not my fault that they call it that!! But i felt so bad and I don't think that he really appreciated it. :/

1 comment:

Rachael Papes said...

Kids these days! Poor thing....