Wednesday, April 6, 2011

11. My Siblings.

Well this might take a while since I have several 8 of them. They are all wonderful in their own unique and individual way. They are my best friends and I love them so much.


Dawn is my oldest sibling. She has been an example to me from the beginning. (Sometimes I decided to make my own mistakes though... bad choice on my part) She has always been so beautiful and she is Super stylish. She is a wonderful cook... I've never had anything at her house that I didn't like. She hates animals, I think that I learned that from her. She has 5 wonderful children who are so talented and a husband that loves her so much. She is so spiritually strong and has a wonderful testimony. I go to her for advice about a lot of things. She is such a strength to me. Dawn is always there for me and once let me live at her house for a month. But seriously, she has the most comfy couches.


She is the hardest worker that I have every known. She is so giving with everything that she has, her time, cars, things, money. I think that I have spent more time with Rachael than I have any other sibling. She taught me how to cook and how to sew. She was the one that taught me the piano (she is an amazing pianist.) She works a lot and gives many people in my family jobs. She loves to go riding and to spend time with her family. She has 2 very smart children. Rachael can build anything if you just draw it for her so some might say that she is a tomboy but she knows how to get dressed up and party. Well really she can pretty much do anything. She is like the jack of all trades.


Adam-chick as my father likes to call him... I'm not really sure why though. He is a ladies man. As far back as I can remember all the girls always wanted him. He is always trying new things to make money, one had to do with computers, another some kind of plant ;)... and there are soo many more. He is obsessed with riding and he is really good at it. He will help anyone with their cars. He tries to act all hard and tough but I know that he has one of the sweetest hearts in the family. He loves everyone and tries to show them that. He as 2 children, and well they are a little crazy, they are a crack up, especially that Elexa. He also loves Mountain Dew. It's pretty much all that he drinks.


She is the party animal of the group. If I was every looking for someone to have some fun with I would probably call her. She is probably the strongest in the family and can face any challenge that comes her way. She won't put up with crap from anyone. She is the craziest with her styles and does whatever she wants. She LOVES little bows and wears them often. She has a loving son that is always super excited to see me and a fat baby... like a sumo wrestler. She is great.

AND this is were I am inserted but I talk about me a lot so we'll skip that.


He is so talented. He is so giving with him time and his talents. He went to school for collision repair and he is FANTASTIC at it. He is super creative and can do pretty much anything. He is really good at BMX street style. I don't know if it is actually called something. I was always so impressed with the tricks that he is capable of. Actually he is just good at anything he tries really that's trick stuff, like off walls, on trampolines, bikes, motocyles, maybe he is just super crazy and doesn't care if he breaks something but I admire him so much for being so fearless.


She is the sweet on in the family. She cares so much for everyone and their needs. She gives so much of her time to serve those around her and make sure that they are happy. She is much more in tune to people's feeling and tries hard not to hurt others. She is a wonderful singer and I expect to see her as an LDS artist one day or in the MOTAB choir. Yeah she is that good. She is a really good actress and fantastic at accents. "Roll your windows up it's cold outside!!" imagine that in a chinese accent... HILARIOUS. She is really good at car dancing.


Probably the most street smart of us all. For some reason he always has the weirdest things in his possession. He can get a genius to trade him a sports care for a toy car. I'm not sure how but he can. He loves new technology. He always seems to have the latest thing, i'm not sure how but I sure do wish I had that skill. He is really good at computer games and he is always on facebook when I am visiting.


She is the baby of the family. I remember when she was born and she was the cutest baby ever. Now she is a young woman and it weirds me out. She loves to read and she is really good with the nieces and nephews. She is just like my mom. She is a wonderful help to my mom and does everything that she can for her. She is really loving and loves to hug.

There are many of you that share qualities but I just pointed out the one that most describes you. The thing about families is that sometimes we butt heads and fight but just forgive because you are gonna be a family forever and we need each other. We may have way different personalities but they compliment each other well and they each bring something new and exciting to the table. I love my family with all my heart and I miss them terribly.


Emilee said...

I love this, you are so sweet to all of us! And I also love how I'm in most of the pictures! SCOOOORE!

Cristal said...

that's cuz you are an attention hog ;)