Friday, April 29, 2011

Just let me complain for a minute. k?

basically boys suck.
Big time.

January 2011, my Stake President gives me the advice to get married because serving a mission for the LDS church is not available to me. I am bitter about it for 2 weeks to a month. In that time I got a blessing from my bishop and he said that I should keep my eyes open for a relationship but not all other doors are closed to me. And I talk to my dad. He says that I should at least take dating more seriously.

So I humble myself. They are right after all. I haven't taken a relationship seriously since... ever. I worked on it and worked on it. And worked on it some more and I think that I am getting pretty good at it.

I opened my mind and heart to several men along the way. But Karma is real and it is a brat. BIG TIME! The first I was interested in getting to know better decided that he was confused about an ex-fiance. whoopie! He went back to her eventually, but he told me tonight that they are really over.. yeah right. So I kept my eyes open and found someone else. Him and I hung out pretty constantly for 2 months or so and I really liked him a lot. It was coming to the point when I would need to decide to date him or not (with both these guys there was always one other person on the side-old habits) I would have dated him but then one day he comes over and he says that he met someone in vegas 2 weeks before. Suck. But earlier that same night someone else entered my life again wanting to try dating again cuz he and his ex-girlfriend were done for reals.

I really saw potential with this guy. He is super sweet, but not sappy. Funny and fun, likes the same kind of music, create, athletic, spiritual, attractive. And he seemed to really like me back. But then he took his ex out on a date and told me about it (my roommate happened to be at the same restaurant with them) i was not comfortable with that. "but we are just friends" BS. that's all I have to say about that. Potential down the drain. We're moving to the same apt complex in the fall and it's a good thing i purposefully didn't move into his ward.

Why can't life just work out. Why can't boys be less dumb. I am tired of these games i just want to move on with my life and it's not working. So I am formally telling any guys that i mistreated that i am sorry and i hope you forgive me. Maybe karma will be on myside after this.


Anonymous said...

You've always had a boy that loves you. Maybe you should work with him?

Emilee said...

OOH, anonymous lover??? Cristal I'm sorry. I'll castrate all those boys with splintered wooden spoons :)

Kristal said...

Oh, sweetie :( That's not Karma..that's just life writing you a great story so that when you find Mr. Right you'll know it (did I ever tell you I was engaged before I met my husband and was dumped a month before the wedding?! Suck!! But see how that worked out...♥) Hang in there!!